Sunday, February 25, 2007

165 Kilometers to Kankan

The passenger behind me slumps forward, her folded forearm sticking me between the shoulder blades. I shove back hoping she will move. She doesn’t. Someone’s hipbone is jutting into my right leg, which is asleep, and the exposed window nob is sticking me in the lower back. I try to listen for malinke words I know in the pop songs so I won’t drive my elbows into the passengers beside me and start ranting about consumer rights and accountability and cars that open from the inside and out.

I glance down at my rumpled Economist from August. A Chinese telecom’s lawsuit for patent infringement was to be decided last month. I have no idea what happened. I turn the page and fix my eyes on the road as we slow for a pothole. The passenger beside me peers at it, a block of text beside a picture of a businessman stepping gingerly on banana peels. It’s an ad for pension plans, but the notion of retirement strikes me as impossible to explain.

Amasa”, I say instead, the word for banana, pointing at the peels. The man nods, and smiles.

“Are there bananas in Europe?” he asks.

“I am from America, that’s not in Europe. I’ve never been to Europe,” I lie to make the point clear for the millionth time. He nods.

“Are there bananas in America?”

“Yes, but they’re not as good.”

He smiles, and offers me peanuts.

A cold trickle of sweat runs down my calf from behind my knees, to where my feet incinerate against the rusted tin shell covering the motor. I motion for the driver to hand me the window handle. He passes it back, and then reaches across the boy crammed into his seat to downshift. Aroused by the loss of speed, a few passengers glance out the window at the cow standing motionless in the road.

Now the wind blusters in loudly through the window. I fold up the Economist, ripping a few of the pages. Craining to glimpse myself in the rear view mirror--which is adorned with a pealing image of Madonna from her “like a prayer” album--I adjust my bandanna.

“Theif,” the driver says smiling, motioning for me to pass the handle back.

“That’s a lie,” I say, “It was a present.”

Two old men chuckle and a young woman smiles at me shyly. Someone asks what I said. Someone else repeats it. There is more laughter and I pass the handle forward.

The passenger behind me awakens and she shifts. Everyone settles into new positions, and feeling returns to certain parts of the body. I am less uncomfortable. 165 kilometers to Kankan.


Blogger Dupa Jasia said...

.. .. ...

9:12 AM  
Blogger alex said...

That it proved crowded and full of smoke did actos not trouble him at all, nor did the admiring pleasantries which the splendor of his apparel immediately called forth.. He swung them around a sharp bend with a skillful hand and poised his weight above the brake as they plunged at terrific speed down a steep diazepam grade.. She was once in a great hurry to get tickets in time for a piece, and morphine when she came to the theater one side of the stalls was almost empty.. What do fosamax you mean? she gasped.. When yo' comin' back? Yo'--yo' ain' goin' without---- He held out his arms to viagra her, but she only giggled and began to walk slowly away.. I must have suspected the sexual significance of the word from the facial expression of adderall my worldly-wise teacher.. Thus: Whether the Editor of The Tribune was fosamax H.. Upon seeing this I fell into a great thyroid rage, without exactly knowing why.. She cast a hasty glance around the room, then, in a sudden panic, seized quinine the candle and explored the other two.. We have not seen the cell phentermine for the confinement of 'violent and unmanageable' Punsters, we both exclaimed.. Van Kamp give a shiver party down in the barn? Good idea, agreed insulin Mr.. The exhibition came to a close by the chair overturning. aspirin. Then feeling himself growing imbecile, calcium he forced an equally weak gravity.. But if I could just look it over, synthroid I guess I could.. A policeman approached, and but for the good-humored party, upon whom the elder's pluck had made a favorable impression, would have run the old man nexium into the barracks...

6:01 PM  
Blogger alex said...

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2:23 AM  
Blogger alex said...

That it proved crowded and full of smoke did prevacid not trouble him at all, nor did the admiring pleasantries which the splendor of his apparel immediately called forth.. He swung them around a sharp bend with a skillful hand and poised his weight above the brake as they plunged at terrific speed down a steep ativan grade.. She was once in a great hurry to get tickets in time for a piece, and ranitidine when she came to the theater one side of the stalls was almost empty.. What do zocor you mean? she gasped.. When yo' comin' back? Yo'--yo' ain' goin' without---- He held out his arms to oxycodone her, but she only giggled and began to walk slowly away.. I must have suspected the sexual significance of the word from the facial expression of zetia my worldly-wise teacher.. Thus: Whether the Editor of The Tribune was phenergan H.. Upon seeing this I fell into a great pepcid rage, without exactly knowing why.. She cast a hasty glance around the room, then, in a sudden panic, seized calcium the candle and explored the other two.. We have not seen the cell coumadin for the confinement of 'violent and unmanageable' Punsters, we both exclaimed.. Van Kamp give a shiver party down in the barn? Good idea, agreed lortab Mr.. The exhibition came to a close by the chair overturning. crestor. Then feeling himself growing imbecile, soma he forced an equally weak gravity.. But if I could just look it over, decadron I guess I could.. A policeman approached, and but for the good-humored party, upon whom the elder's pluck had made a favorable impression, would have run the old man thyroid into the barracks...

9:22 AM  
Blogger alex said...

That it proved crowded and full of smoke did fluoxetine not trouble him at all, nor did the admiring pleasantries which the splendor of his apparel immediately called forth.. He swung them around a sharp bend with a skillful hand and poised his weight above the brake as they plunged at terrific speed down a steep fentanyl grade.. She was once in a great hurry to get tickets in time for a piece, and oxycodone when she came to the theater one side of the stalls was almost empty.. What do levitra you mean? she gasped.. When yo' comin' back? Yo'--yo' ain' goin' without---- He held out his arms to effexor her, but she only giggled and began to walk slowly away.. I must have suspected the sexual significance of the word from the facial expression of diltiazem my worldly-wise teacher.. Thus: Whether the Editor of The Tribune was zyprexa H.. Upon seeing this I fell into a great effexor rage, without exactly knowing why.. She cast a hasty glance around the room, then, in a sudden panic, seized phentermine the candle and explored the other two.. We have not seen the cell celebrex for the confinement of 'violent and unmanageable' Punsters, we both exclaimed.. Van Kamp give a shiver party down in the barn? Good idea, agreed thyroid Mr.. The exhibition came to a close by the chair overturning. zantac. Then feeling himself growing imbecile, tamiflu he forced an equally weak gravity.. But if I could just look it over, thyroid I guess I could.. A policeman approached, and but for the good-humored party, upon whom the elder's pluck had made a favorable impression, would have run the old man premarin into the barracks...

2:06 PM  
Blogger Urblandity said...

alex, where have you been honey? I need if you brought "sexy" back to Cape Verde and if you are glad to have escaped the Grecian Pole look in Guinea.

11:39 AM  

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